The National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) created the Center of Excellence for Natural Product Drug Interaction Research (NaPDI Center) to address the lack of consistency in design, implementation, and dissemination of studies to assess the clinical relevance of natural product-drug interactions (grant U54 AT008909).
The NaPDI Center consists of three Scientific Cores (Pharmacology, Analytical, and Informatics), along with an Administrative Core that coordinates activities between the Scientific Cores and liaises between the NaPDI Center Investigators and NCCIH program officials.
The NaPDI Center has two overarching goals:
Leadership Team
Mary Paine, RPh, PhD
Principal Investigator, Administrative Core Leader, and Pharmacology Core Leader
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Washington State University
Richard Boyce, PhD
Informatics Core Leader
Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Informatics
School of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh
Nadja Cech, PhD
Analytical Core Co-Leader
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
D. Craig Hopp, PhD
Project Scientist
Deputy Director
Division of Extramural Research
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Nicholas Oberlies, PhD
Analytical Core Co-Leader
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Patrick Still, PhD
Program Director
Basic and Mechanistic Research in Complementary and Integrative Health Branch
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
John Clarke, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Washington State University
Rebecca Cooney, MS
Associate Professor
The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication
Washington State University
Deena Hadi, BS
Program Manager
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Washington State University
Sandra Kane-Gill, PharmD, MS
Department of Pharmacy and Therapeutics
School of Pharmacy
University or Pittburgh
Bruce Pinkleton, PhD
Professor and Dean
The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication
Washington State University
Allan Rettie, PhD
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
School of Pharmacy
University of Washington
Kenneth Thummel, PhD
Department of Pharmaceutics
School of Pharmacy
University of Washington
Jash Unadkat, PhD
Milo Gibaldi Endowed Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics
School of Pharmacy
University of Washington
Administrative Core
Mary Paine, RPh, PhD
Core Leader
Deena Hadi, BS
Program Manager
Pharmacology Core
Mary Paine, RPh, PhD
Core Leader
Analytical Core
Nadja Cech, PhD
Core Co-Leader
Nicholas Oberlies, PhD
Core Co-Leader
Informatics Core
Richard Boyce, PhD
Core Leader
External Advisory Panel
Victor Navarro, MD
GI Fellowship Program Director Department Chair
Division of Hepatology
Einstein Healthcare Network
Amy Roe, PhD
Principal Toxicologist
Product Safety and Regulatory Affairs
The Procter and Gamble Company
Nicholas P. Tatonetti, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Columbia Initiative for Systems Biology and Department of Medicine at Columbia University
Rachel F. Tyndale, PhD
Endowed Chair in Addictions and Head of Pharmacogenetics Center of Addiction and Mental Health
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
University of Toronto
R21 Grantees

John Clarke, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Washington State University
Enteric and Hepatic Transporter Mechanisms for Pharmacokinetic Natural Product-Drug Interactions
Bill Gurley, PhD
Principal Scientist
National Center for Natural Products Research
School of Pharmacy
University of Mississippi
In Vitro Screening of a Unique Botanical Extract Collection for Herb-Drug Interaction (HDI) Potential

Cassandra Quave, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Dermatology
Winship Cancer Institute
Emory University
Preclinical Evaluation of Dietary Botanical Natural Products for Drug Interactions
Xiaochao Ma, PhD
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
University of Pittsburgh
Preclinical Screening and Validation for PXR-mediated Herb-Drug Interactions Associated with Anti-HIV Therapy
School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Elise Weerts, PhD
School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine